Beyond the Adjustment: Common Denture Problems and Solutions (Part 4 of 4)

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Welcome to the final installment of our four-part series on dentures from Best Impressions Dental. Having guided you through the types of dentures, the process of getting them, and adjusting to life with dentures, our last topic is about understanding and navigating potential denture problems. It’s crucial to remember that while some difficulties may arise, most of them can be quickly addressed and resolved.

Problem 1: Discomfort and Irritation

  • During the initial adjustment period, it’s normal to experience some minor discomfort. However, if your dentures continue to cause significant irritation, soreness, or pain, they may need an adjustment for a better fit.

Solution: Don’t try to adjust your dentures yourself. If you’re experiencing prolonged discomfort, schedule an appointment with us. The dentures might require a simple adjustment or, in some cases, a denture reline to improve the fit.

Problem 2: Difficulty Eating and Speaking

  • As we highlighted in our previous post, eating and speaking with new dentures can be challenging initially.

Solution: Patience and practice are key. For eating, start with soft foods, chew slowly, and gradually introduce more solid foods. For speaking, practice reading aloud and repeating difficult words. If these difficulties persist, your dentures may need adjusting.

Problem 3: Denture Slippage

  • Over time, changes in your gums and jawbone can cause your dentures to loosen and slip. This slippage can lead to discomfort and difficulties with speech and eating.

Solution: Regular dental check-ups can help monitor changes in your oral tissues, and adjustments can be made to your dentures accordingly. If your dentures have become significantly loose, a denture adhesive can provide temporary stability. However, a loose denture might indicate the need for a new denture or a transition to implant-supported dentures.

Problem 4: Breaks or Cracks

  • Dentures can break or crack if dropped, or over time due to wear and tear.

Solution: If your dentures break, don’t attempt to fix them yourself as this could cause further damage. Instead, schedule an appointment with us as soon as possible. Depending on the damage, we may be able to repair your dentures, or it might be necessary to replace them.

Living with dentures can have its challenges, but it’s essential to remember that most of these problems have straightforward solutions. At Best Impressions Dental, we’re committed to providing ongoing support and guidance for all our patients. We’re here to ensure that your journey towards a confident, beautiful smile is as smooth as possible. Don’t hesitate to reach out with any concerns or questions – your perfect smile is our mission!
